Placers(Tile Items)

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Items are fairly broad in their types. Each type has it's own properties and uses. This page is for items that can be placed, Placers.

Placers are all items that have the following line;

"kind": "staxel.item.Placer",

Item Placers are what is used to place Tiles in the world. All Tiles have an associated Tile placer.

Creating a Placer

Unlike Craft Items, Placer Items are automatically generated from Tiles. You cannot make the item yourself. (i.e. Create an "*.item" file for tile items.) As such you will have to rely on Tile files to create Placer Items.

Spawning in a Placer

As it is not possible to create a proper Placer item, you can create a clothing item using the following;

  "kind": "staxel.item.Placer",
  "tile": ""

All 2 properties must be included and cannot be blank (i.e. It must have something inside of the quotes ""). The "kind" property has to be "staxel.item.Placer" for the game to recognise it is an item to place tiles. The "tile" is the code of the Tile in which you want to spawn.

Example Input: {"kind": "staxel.item.Placer", "tile": "staxel.tileObject.airship.RopeFenceCorner"}